Lunaria have hosted the Ports of Scotland web site for some years now and we have just finished an update to its look, feel and functionality. The object of the update was to make the site easier to use and to give it a more contemporary.
The main challenge was to restructure the existing written content and wrap it in a new WordPress template. This improved site navigation and allowed for enhanced functionality. So, for example, whilst the old site did have the ability to display contributors adverts online they looked a bit “pinned on” as an after thought. The new site retains this abilitiy but has integrated an “advertising” space into the overall design. This not only makes the site look and work better if offers new commercial opportunities for both Ports of Scotland and their contributors.
We also agreed at the outset that the site should make much better of use of the fantastic picture library that Ports of Scotland have built up over the years. So we worked closely to select News, Ports of Scotlandimages that not only illustrated the scope of the business but also gave the site greater visual impact. Content is a (if not the) key component of a good website.